Company registration for foreigners in Montenegro - Foreign investors and investments in Montenegro


The Law on Commercial Companies of Montenegro

The Law on Foreign Investments Montenegro

The Labour Law Montenegro


Limited Liability Company - corresponds to the form LTD and the most present form of the company. May be established by one person or more domestic or foreign legal entities or individuals. Directory                  

A joint stock company - Initial capital for the establishment of joint stock company is at least 25 000,00 EUR. Shall be established when the collected capital by selling shares. LTD can be transformed into a joint stock company. Directory

All the laws of regulations relating to the establishment, operation and taxation system are in line with European standards, with benefits for foreign investors in order to increase the number of foreign investors.



- a foreign legal or natural person;                     

- a company with a share of at least 10% of foreign capital into the equity of the company;                     

- a company which was founded by a foreign person in Montenegro;                     

- Montenegrin citizen residing abroad.


A foreign investor is considered to be a person who is on the basis of investments acquired Montenegrin citizenship in accordance with the law.


A foreign investor may be in Montenegro:


- establish a company (alone or with other investors);                         

- to establish a foreign company;                         

- acquire shares and shares in the company;                         

- buy a company.


A foreign investor may, on the territory of Montenegro establish a business organization and invest in the company, on such terms and conditions under which local entities can establish business organizations or invest funds in companies (national treatment), unless this law provides otherwise.

Foreign investor can invest in domestic business organization or only with national legal or natural person to establish a company for manufacturing and marketing of weapons and military equipment. A foreign investor can have in a company referred to in paragraph 1 of this article share of more than 49% equity funds or proprietary rights, or the right to vote.

A foreign investor may invest in an enterprise, in violation of Article 7 of this law only on the basis of approval The state administration authority for foreign trade (hereinafter: the Ministry), with obtained an opinion of the state administration in charge of defense. In the procedure of issuing approval referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article particularly appreciated the quality, type and scope by investments. Rules on the methodology for assessing the quality of the type and volume of foreign investments referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article prescribed by the Ministry, within 120 days from the date of entry into force of this Act.

Company for production and trade of arms and military equipment can not negotiate an arrangement   before it gets approval from the Ministry.

Foreign investment in insurance companies, banks and other financial institutions and the free zone shall be made in accordance with the law.


Assets of foreign investors can not be expropriated, except when the law or on the basis Act established public interest, for a fee in accordance with the law.

Foreign investor who suffers damage as a result of Rata state of emergency shall be entitled to damages that are not be lower than the compensation that belongs to the domestic legal and physical person, in accordance with the law. A foreign investor is entitled to compensation by illegal or improper actions official or state authority, in accordance with the law.

Tax system

According to tax law all legal entities which generate revenues in excess of 18,000 €, they are required to register for this tax. Tax (VAT) is the same as for domestic companies and 17% (except for certain areas of food, medicines, computers, etc.), where they were reduced to 9% or exempted from payment.

Income tax is payable at a rate proportional to the amount of 9% of the tax base.

Porez na dohodak fizičkih lica se ne plaća ukoliko je ostvareni godišnji dohodak 785 €, a za kategorije ličnog dohotka koje premašuju ovaj iznos plaća se od 15% do 23 %.

Law on Property Tax in water flexible rates (by municipalities) ranging from 0.08% to 0.8% compared to the market value of the property.

External Trade

Foreign Trade Law was adopted on 21 April 2004. and is fully compliant with the requirements and principles of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the European Union. This law provides for monitoring flows of goods and capital, open market economy and increasing liberalization of trade in goods and services as well as the equality of all participants in foreign trade. Opportunity for foreign trade given to all persons in accordance with their legal and business capacity.


Customs legislation is in accordance with the requirements of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the European Union shall apply from 1 April 2003. Law simplifies customs procedures ie. import-export procedures and introduces documentation for the goods identical to that used in the European Union. Law literally took over provisions of the WTO agreement on customs valuation and rules of origin. Regulation on the Implementation of the Customs Act and some provisions of the law are discussed in detail with attachments that contain both forms of documentation accompanying the goods. The law does not contain provisions on the measures to be applied at the border in order to protect intellectual property rights, but contains the basics for adoption of a bylaw by the Government that this matter was regulated.

Residence and work permits for foreigners in Montenegro

The Aliens Act ("Off. Gazette of Montenegro", no. 82/08, 72/09, 32/11 and 53/11) regulates the conditions for entry, movement and residence of foreigners in Montenegro. An alien - foreigner is a citizen of another state or a stateless person.Entry into Montenegro means crossing the state border, or border crossing where border control is performed . Retention of the foreigner in the transit area of the airport and the port or anchorage pier, in terms of this Act shall not be considered as entry to Montenegro.

    The Aliens Act stipulates that a foreigner staying in Montenegro:
  • stay up to 90 days
  • temporary residence
  • Permanent residence.
    Temporary residence may be granted to a foreigner who intends to stay in Montenegro longer than 90 days, in order to:
  • employment and work, performing economic or entrepreneurial activity
  • seasonal employment
  • secondary education or study
  • participation in programs of international exchange students or other youth programs
  • specialization, professional training and practical training
  • scientific - research work
  • medical treatment
  • family reunion
  • humanitarian grounds
  • other legitimate reasons, certain law or international treaty.

The last couple of years have shown a trend of founding companies with foreign ownership and employment of foreigners in Montenegro. If you are a foreign citizen wishing to establish a company or to get employed in a Montenegrin company we can assist you in realizing your plan.
Obtaining the necessary documentation requires good knowledge of the national legislation and failure to obtain the legally prescribed documentation implies high monetary and non-monetary penalties.

    You can contact us if you wish to obtain a permit for:
  • Temporary stay;
  • Starting your own business;
  • Employment in Montenegro;
  • Residence in Montenegro.

Our employees speak English, Russian and Italian and they are at your disposal.

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